Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fasting (Add 40-50 Healthy Years To Your Lifespan)

The name of this fasting and caloric restriction article certainly caught my eye when I first saw it too.  Its based on numerous studies that take advantage of caloric restriction and periodic fasting to alter how the body works.  The study concludes that out of the two options (CR) or periodic fasting, that fasting is the better option.

Here's why:
Fasting gives the body a complete break
CR demands continuous low calorie eating days without a definitive break

Pleasures of eating - while fasting hunger disappears and you eat normal on non fasting days
CR - your always under eating and always craving food without having a complete break from it (Torture?)

psychological effects during fasting allow for a clearer mind and appetite disappears without food
CR can cause you to become moody and always hungry

Fasting can fit well into a religious calendar and can be used for spiritual benefits as well

Fasting saves time, if you are fasting for 70-100 days per year, you only have to cook, eat, clean and shop 265-295 days out of the year vs 365 days.
CR - your eating everyday and skipping days may increase the hunger and binging with no time off from cooking, cleaning up dishes and grocery shopping.

Here is the plan they recommend:

Option 1
1500Kcal / Day with Moderate fasting (1 year plan)
Week 1 - Fasting Week  (168 Hours Fasting)
Week 2 - Recovery Week  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 3 - Normal  Diet (24 Hours Fasting) - Normal eating 6 days, fasting for 1 day (Tue or Fri)
Week 4 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 5 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 6 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 7 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 8 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 9 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 10 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 11 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 12 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)
Week 13 - Normal  (24 Hours Fasting)

This 13 week plan is then repeated over and over (4 cycles in a year)
Total Fasting Days - 72

RECOVERY WEEK (for 1500 kcal/day plan). After the 7 day total fast the recovery period ("recovery week") will also be 7 days. On the first day after the end of the fast (the 8th day after the start of the fast) you should take 200 kcal; on the 2nd day 300 kcal; on the 3rd day 400; on the 4th, 600; on the 5th, 900; on the 6th, 1200; and on the 7th day 1600 kcal. So during these 7 "recovery days" your total intake will be 5200 kcal.

Based on this information and previous studies I have discussed, I would make the following changes to the weekly fasting days as follows:

Option 2
(1 year plan)
Week 1 - Fasting Week  (168 Hours Fasting)
Week 2 - Recovery Week  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 3 - Normal  (44 Hours Fasting) Once during week
Week 4 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 5 - Normal  (44 Hours Fasting)
Week 6 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 7 - Normal  (44 Hours Fasting)
Week 8 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 9 - Normal  (44 Hours Fasting)
Week 10 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 11 - Normal  (44 Hours Fasting)
Week 12 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 13 - Normal  (44 Hours Fasting)

This 13 week plan is then repeated over and over (4 cycles in a year)
Total Fasting Days - 72

RECOVERY WEEK (for 1500 kcal/day plan). After the 7 day total fast the recovery period ("recovery week") will also be 7 days. On the first day after the end of the fast (the 8th day after the start of the fast) you should take 200 kcal; on the 2nd day 300 kcal; on the 3rd day 400; on the 4th, 600; on the 5th, 900; on the 6th, 1200; and on the 7th day 1600 kcal. So during these 7 "recovery days" your total intake will be 5200 kcal.

Option 3 (My preferred)
In this plan, I allowed 1 week of normal eating all 7 days followed by a week with a 2 day fast.  This plan sounds like the best to me so far, as you are allowed 2 completely normal weeks of eating prior to the 7 day fast at the beginning of each cycle.  This plan may be more suitable for those under weight or those wishing to increase muscle mass, while teaching the body to self regulate and rebuild damaged or old tissues on a regular basis.

(1 year plan)
Week 1 - Fasting Week  (168 Hours Fasting)
Week 2 - Recovery Week  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 3 - Normal  (48 Hours Fasting) Once during week
Week 4 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 5 - Normal  (48 Hours Fasting)
Week 6 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 7 - Normal  (48 Hours Fasting)
Week 8 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 9 - Normal  (48 Hours Fasting)
Week 10 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 11 - Normal  (48 Hours Fasting)
Week 12 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)
Week 13 - Normal  (0 Hours Fasting)

This 13 week plan is then repeated over and over (4 cycles in a year)
Total Fasting Days - 68

RECOVERY WEEK (for 1500 kcal/day plan). After the 7 day total fast the recovery period ("recovery week") will also be 7 days. On the first day after the end of the fast (the 8th day after the start of the fast) you should take 200 kcal; on the 2nd day 300 kcal; on the 3rd day 400; on the 4th, 600; on the 5th, 900; on the 6th, 1200; and on the 7th day 1600 kcal. So during these 7 "recovery days" your total intake will be 5200 kcal.

Kefir Infusions

Throughout the history of man, the use of specific plants or fruiting bodies used as medicine and as a general health tonic have been well documented.  This portion of the site is dedicated to the use of various plants and their derivatives with the specific application of allowing them to undergo secondary fermentation with kefir prior to consumption.

There are numerous well documented cases of particular herbs and their effects on health and treating illnesses.  It is also known that the process of fermentation has a powerful effect on the items being fermented.  In most cases, properly fermented foods have a much higher nutritional content than the original form.  These foods are also more easily assimilated by the body as portions of the food are partially or completely broken down by the process of fermentation.

In this post (Which will continually be updated with new information as time progresses), the specific application of adding various items to kefir after a 24 hour initial fermentation will be looked at.  Once the kefir has undergone 24 hours fermentation with the grains, it will be strained and mixed with a chosen item (herb, fruit, root ect.) or a combination of these things and allowed to undergo a secondary fermentation in an airlock 1/2 gallon jar for an additional 1-3 days prior to consumption.  Any noticeable effects or flavor changes as well as the reasoning for using the chosen infusion according to documented case studies will be presented.

Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion
Kefir + Nutmeg Infusion

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon / day can lower LDL cholesterol
May have regulatory effects on blood sugar, which makes it a great choice for Diabetics (Type 2)
May stop yeast infections that have been resistant to prescription medications
Can reduce the proliferation of lymphoma and leukemia cancer cells
Anti blood clotting effects
A mixture of 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon and 1 tablespoon honey offered significant relief for arthritis sufferers in 1 weeks time.  After one month of use, pain was gone while walking
A natural food preservative, prevents spoilage by inhibiting bacterial growth
The smell alone of cinnamon may boost your memory and cognitive function
Fights E-coli in unpasteurized juices
High in Magnesium, calcium, fiber and iron

Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion
After you have strained your kefir grains post 24 hour fermentation, try adding a few dashes to a teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the mix.  Still well with a spoon and allow to ferment for an additional 12-24 hours.  After allowing your kefir to separate into curd and whey, you can mix together again and allow further fermentation before use in shake.  Airlock secondary fermentation is great for this.Mixture may then be consumed as is or combined to make a shake or smoothie.

My preferred method for consumption afterward is to add the fully fermented kefir mixture to raw milk, 1/2 banana and strawberry whey protein.

Can help to lower blood pressure
known to help stomach aches and stop diarrhea
Nutmeg oil considered the most efficacious part of the plant
Stimulates the brain and relieves stress, may stimulate dreams (Historically used as a brain tonic by Greeks and Romans)
Anti Inflammatory properties make it great for muscle or joint pain
Oil may be massaged onto inflamed area for relief
Great for Kidneys (Dissolves stones), great for body detox at lower doses
May be good for heart, stimulates the cardiovascular system and increases circulation
Great for stomach ailments (digestions problems, flatulence, upset stomach (Vomiting), diarrhea
Often found in couch medicine, can help with colds and coughing
30 grams (6 tablespoons in a day) can be toxic
Keep doses low as its a powerful tonic in lower doses

Kefir + Nutmeg Infusion
After straining kefir grains from the milk, the liquid may be mixed with a few dashes of nutmeg.  This kefir mixture may be consumed immediately, or better yet, allowed to ferment for an additional 12-24 hours at room temperature.  For a more effervescent drink, allow infusion to ferment under airlock for 24 hours or longer.  Mixture may be shaken 1-2x daily to allow for gas escape, with top returned after gas exchange.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fasting And Health (2 Week Zen Diet) Experiment 2

2 Week Zen Diet

As before, this "Diet" is more of a guide in eating, exercise and fasting and not what to eat per-se. This regime will focus on a 2 Week Cycle vs the 7 Day Cycle. To give you a brief intro as to why I am trying this version of eating and fasting as opposed to the 7 Day Zen Diet, a few things come to mind.

To begin with, I am not an overweight individual.  To the contrary, I don't have much to lose in the way of excess body fat.  That being said, most everyone has fat somewhere on themselves.  During the 7 Day Zen Diet, I focused on eating regular amounts of food Ad Libitum for the majority of the week.  I chose the end of each week to do my fasting as it's easier to illustrate it that way.  I think that is has numerous benefits for ones health.  There are two ways to look at it.  You could see it as extreme, as you are fasting for 42-44 hours every single week, or less extreme as the fast is no more than 2 days long.  If it was an intermittent fasting regime, that wouldn't sound like much at all, however it is a consecutive fast.

The first 12-24 hours of fasting are used to complete digestion.  During this time, your body may also begin to start autolysis.  (more commonly known as self-digestion, refers to the destruction of a cell through the action of its own enzymes. It may also refer to the digestion of an enzyme by another molecule of the same enzyme. The term derives from the Greek words αυτό ("self") and λύσις ("splitting").

During the first 24 hours, your body may begin to consume muscle tissue and start to break down fats into ketone bodies.  Initially, after your glycogen stores have been used up, 1-2 oz of muscle tissue may be consumed for glycogen.  HOWEVER...The human body has a very protective memory if you will for this type of event.  After it has used 1-2 oz of muscle tissue, it starts to catabolize more fat, leaning more on the use of ketones for energy and less on glucose.  This is good for anyone fasting, as by the second day, muscle loss should be down to 1/2 - 1 oz.  On the plus side, many beneficial things have begun to happen.  Any damaged or old muscle tissues will be consumed allowing for new and healthier growth after the fast, and any toxins stored in your fatty tissues will start to be eliminated.

After the 24 hour digestion period, the detoxification process kicks into high gear.  Water becomes very important at this stage, to dilute the toxins released into the blood stream via fat reserves being broken down.  Fat is excellent at storing harmful toxins and chemicals.  When the body breaks them down, they may enter the blood stream before they exit the body.  Water consumption will lessen the negative side effects some may experience during this cleansing process.

Between 2-3 days of water fasting, the body begins to run in a mostly ketogenic state, where ketones or ketone bodies become the primary source of energy.  Red blood cells and parts of the brain will still need glucose and they will get it by consuming anything they can.  The good news though, is that foreign objects (Tumors, viruses ect.) are the first to go.  The body doesn't recognise them as vital to life and these foreign object are consumed and converted into energy.

After 3 days, the fast should be broken.  A regimen of eating and exercising with a mid 24 hours juice fast followed again by more unrestricted eating and exercising preludes the end of the 2 week fasting period.  The fasting period is a 3 day long water fast, allowing for a longer digestive break and more repairs to internal and external organs.

Here is a brief study in which the 2 week eating with a short fast has been used successfully to extend the life of rodents.  The rodents fasted for 4 days at the end of each cycle, where as my regimen allows for only a 3 day fast at the end and a 1 day juice fast mid may through the 2 week cycle.

Caloric restriction in rodents is well known to retard the rate of aging, increase mean and maximum life-spans, and inhibit the occurrence of many age-associated diseases. However, little is known about the influence of short-term repeated fasting on longevity. In this study, female (NZB x NZW)F1 mice were used to test the physiological effect of short-term repeated fasting (4 consecutive days, every 2 weeks). The results showed that fasting mice survived significantly longer than the full-fed mice, in spite of the fasting group having a heavier body weight than the control group. Mean survival times for fasting and control mice were 64.0+/-15.3 and 47.9+/-9.4 weeks, respectively. Short-term repeated fasting manipulation was also effective on the prolongation of life-span in autoimmune-prone mice.

Fasting And Health (7 Day Zen Diet) Experiment 1

7 Day Zen Diet

Alright, so It's not ACTUALLY a diet.  It's more of a way of life.  At this point in time, I won't cover any of the nutritional aspects of it in any depth.  It's simply an experiment with weekly fasting.  I will post how I am feeling and if I have lost or gained any weight throughout the 2 week test.  Over time, I will divulge more of my eating habits and eventually create a nice readable version for everyone.  Until then, the 7 Day Zen Diet is more of an overall guideline delineating possible eating, sleeping, fasting and exercise times.  Again, this is fairly non-specific and has plenty of room for modifications and dietary habits.  The purpose of this "Diet", man I really hate that word...Is to create a set period throughout the week to fully rest the digestive tract and internal organs, while forcing them to work at cleaning and healing themselves.  I will discuss this process in more detail in another article.

Note:  The following experiment will be done for a period of 2 weeks or more.  I am currently and have been doing a slightly modified version of this lifestyle, with the fasting period consisting of 24 hours water only, some juice or a small fruit before bed followed by another 12 hours of fasting (36 hours total).  This experiment will extend the post 24 hour fast from 36 to 42-44 hours.

Key Points
-It has to be fairly simple to do
-There has to be concrete evidence that some or most of the following things show evidence to increase ones health and or increase ones longevity.
-It has to be repeatable and organized in such a fashion that someone could realistically follow it using the common 7 day week format, vs. a program that uses say a 9 or 12 day cycle.  This is why 7 days were chosen for this experiment.

You may wonder why this program doesn't stop the fasting portion at the end of the 24 hour period.  The idea behind extending it to 36-44 hours is fairly simple.  To begin with, the first 24 hours is when your body depletes your glycogen stores and begins the process of burning fatty acids for its continuous energy needs.  It gets this energy by burning fat in your tissues and accumulated areas around the organs.

As a reminder, the majority of the body actually prefers ketones for their primary energy source (Ketone bodies are created through the breakdown of fatty acids in the body).  However, the brain and your red blood cells still require glucose.  When the liver and muscles are depleted, your body looks elsewhere.  Small portions of muscle become broken down so the body can convert the amino acids into usable glucose and glycerol from fat tissues in the body.

As you can see from this, if you eat carbohydrates during the week, a 24 hour fast may not be overly beneficial for you as your body will be used to having access to glucose and ending a fast at 24 hours has done little in the way of detoxing the body.  That's not to say it hasn't done anything, but rather it has just begun to enter it's overhaul mode when you shut it off by breaking the fast.  By allowing the fast to go into the second and third day, your body begins muscle sparing to prevent excess breakdown of tissue and instead begins to efficiently break down fat into ketones, where you will begin to enter ketosis.  Ketosis has a number of benefits I will discuss at a later time, but for those of you who may be overweight, ketosis is an excellent state to be in.

As I mentioned earlier, you body has started to burn fat for fuel now somewhere around the 24 hour marker.  By allowing your body to go another day or half a day, you can begin to see the detoxing effects.  Fat is excellent at storing toxins and as the fat gets broken down, these toxins are released.  They may exit through the skin, the tongue, the bowels or urinary tract or just about anywhere.  Drinking plenty of water will help to dull some of these effects.  The sicker your body is, the more and stronger side effects will be seen.  During an extended or complete fast, an individual abstains from food until the tongue has turned completely pink again and a sweet taste has entered the mouth.  At this point, saliva will build up signaling a strong urge to eat and stop the fast.  This may happen in only a few day and upwards of 40+ day depending on your body fat and body toxicity.  Doing regular short fasts will prevent the need to purge with 30-40 day long fasts as the body will be working at regular intervals to perform cleanses and rest the internal organs.

So the reason we don't fast for only a 24 hour period is that no studies have proven any anti-aging effects from doing so.  That's not to say that a 24 hour fast isn't beneficial, as it has numerous benefits.  Its to say that the body has simply finished digestion, and only begun to start burning ketones and cleaning the body, which makes stopping at 24 hours more work in the long run that occasionally allowing the body to fast for 2-3 days consecutively.  One popular method for extending life that does use a 24-36 hour fast is intermittent fasting, however the major life extending effects of this diet only appear through CR (Calorie Restriction).  As CR has been proven over and over to extend the life of numerous animals as well as worms and flies.  Through fasting, a worms life was extended to the equivalent of a human living to be 600-700 years old.  Although we are not worms and fasting wont make you live that long, the study does show tremendous results through CR and periodic fasting.

As you will see in the 2 Week Zen Diet, a 24 hour fast is included in the regimen, however its not a dry or water fast, but instead allows for fresh juices.  This prevents the body from consuming muscle (One method for bodybuilder who are not using the Ketogenic Diet or Anabolic Diet), which means you love your carbs.  The fresh juices on the fasting day if you are using the previous methods mentioned for bodybuilding on a low carb diet with periodic carb up phases, the juice fasting day can include simple sugar fruit juices for an additional carb up day, or can remain as low sugar vegetable juices allowing for ketoses if you have allowed your body to function optimally.

So Let look at a few reasons why the 7 Day Zen Diet might be a good starting point for anyone looking to lose weight, increase growth hormone, have a cleaner and healthier system and feel better.

This 7 day plan allows for a 24 hour period of no food which increases HGH in the body.  HGH is a protein based peptide-hormone.  It's known for it's function is cell regeneration, reproduction and general growth.  Bodybuilders should be familiar with this one!  Some people buy HGH as a synthetic drug to help with deficiencies and child growth abnormalities.  To get it however, you need a prescription from a doctor and can only purchase it from a pharmacy.

The benefits of HGH are many and knowing how to create it for FREE is something I would think might be worthwhile for just about anyone past adolescent development stage.  By this I mean, I wouldn't recommend fasting for children and they are still growing.  Its once the growing stages have stopped, that fasting benefits as really noticed.  The more often you fast (Short Fasts) the better able the body is to recognize the situation and increase HGH production and get to work consuming old, dead or diseased cells and quickly rebuilding new ones.  The reason we live longer than animals in general is because we have an excellent regenerative system that takes cells and remakes them continually.  Mice are great study subjects as they don't have such a great system for this.  That's why when we see a mice live exponentially longer than its counterparts due to continuous short fasting, we know that this generality of aging increase can easily be transcribed to the human animal.  If we were testing a particular vitamin and its effect on a mouse, the translation to humans wouldn't be so good.  Something like fasting and life extension however, can and has been translated.

Back to HGH.  Since the 1970's, it has been circulating the bodybuilding arena as an anabolic means of muscle production for professional competition.  It couldn't be banned until early in 2000, when small traces could finally show up on a test.  These athletes paid top dollar for this stuff.  They also thought you had to eat all day every day to retain and build muscle.  Funny thing is, that by fasting, you continually get rid of old and damaged cells and stop them from reproducing.  At the same time, your body is able to build new and healthier ones much quicker.  You also retain more muscle when you stop eating, as your body learns to burn fat instead. 

For those of you that are overweight, how does dieting just 2 days a week sound.  That's all this is really.  Sure your suppose to eat healthy all week, but we know not everyone does.  Fasting for two days a week could help protect you from the crap you eat and may even help nudge you into eating healthier, at least post fast.  Your body will be craving healthier foods for the vitamin and mineral content after a  fast and your head will be a bit clearer to boot. 

VLCD with active follow-up treatment seems to be one of the better treatment modalities related to long-term weight-maintenance success. Very Low Calorie Diets

VLCD represents an extremely efficient and safe therapeutic procedure which, apart from body mass loss, is characterized by favourable changes in metabolism of lipids and a decrease in hyperinsulinism, which eventually results in reduction of the risk from early and accelerated atherosclerosis.

Cravings did not increase during either diet; all changes represented decreases. Compared with a primarily food-based diet (LCD), a more restrictive supplement-based diet (VLCD) resulted in significantly larger decreases in food cravings that occurred by the end of the 5th week of supplement use and did not rebound with resumption of solid food intake. The results of this study suggest that food cravings diminish with calorie restriction.

Medically supervised water-only fasting appears to be a safe and effective means of normalizing blood pressure and may assist in motivating health-promoting diet and lifestyle changes.

The course of fasting therapy consisting of a 2-week fasting period and the recovery period of the same duration resulted in a statistically significant reduction of weight, a decrease of average daily systolic and diastolic AP, lowering of the hyperbaric index of diastolic AP and improvement of the diastolic reserve of the left ventricle. 24-h AP monitoring and stress echocardiography within 3 months showed a high clinical effectiveness of fasting therapy.

This weight loss programme with a VLCD enabled obese subjects to lose weight and decrease cardiovascular risks. Despite some regain in weight during follow-up, the beneficial effects were overall maintained over the year. Sodium intake tended to increase during follow-up. Information on sodium restriction should be included in weight loss programmes.

the short term use of a VLCD is very effective in rapidly improving glycaemic control and promoting substantial weight loss in obese NIDDM patients. Moreover, a VLCD diet increases insulin secretion and reduces substrate for gluconeogenesis. Thus, VLCD treatment may improve glycaemic control by factors more than caloric restriction alone.

Fasting And Health (Part 2) Intermittant Fasting (IF)

Below is the definition of Intermittent Fasting according to Wikipedia.  If you read it carefully, toward the bottom of the definition you will notice that a common IF regimen involving a 24 hour eat 24 fast may induce CR (Calorie Restriction).  CR has been well documented to increase health and extend life.  In fact, it's the most commonly known methodology for extending life in yeast, flies, worms, mice and other studied subjects.  The problem is that most people overeat on the off days.

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting (usually meaning consumption of water only) and non-fasting. A specific form of IF is alternate day fasting (ADF), which is a 48-hour routine typically composed of a 24-hour fast followed by a 24-hour non-fasting period. (ADF is also sometimes referred to as every other day (EOD) fasting, or sometimes every other day feeding (EODF).)

There is some evidence that intermittent fasting may have beneficial effects on the health and longevity of animals—including humans—that are similar to the effects of caloric restriction (CR). There is currently no consensus as to the degree to which this is simply due to an (often) concomitant overall decrease in calories. (IF and CR are forms of Dietary Restriction (DR), which is sometimes referred to as Dietary Energy Restriction (DER).)

Scientific study of intermittent fasting in rats (and anecdotally in humans) was carried out at least as early as 1943

If you have read through some of my other posts regarding fasting, you will notice that I don't support the use of a weekly 24 hour fast for the purpose of extending ones life.  If you told me that you wanted to fast 4 days this month to improve your health and asked me how I would go about it I would give you the following advise.  First and foremost, I am not a doctor...I am simply a research fanatic.  Perhaps I have a touch of OCD, but I do read a LOT.  That's not to say that my advise is the only advise you should consider.  Its just to say that after reading extensively on the subject and experimenting on my own I have drawn a few conclusions.

So without further ado...Here they are.  To begin with, for someone with toxic buildups within their fat tissues and internal organs, a 24 hour juice fast weekly would be an excellent start.  I say a juice fast for the following reasons.  Lets face it, if your reading this you may have more knowledge on the subject of health benefits related to inviting the state of ketosis into your daily metabolism.  If your like the average American however, you consume carbohydrates on a daily basis and probably never fast.  If your also like most Americans, you regularly consume some pretty bad toxins either knowingly or unknowingly.  Examples may be high levels of caffeine from not healthy sources, processed and or refined foods, excess gluten and wheat products, alcohol, nicotine ect. ect.  For these people, who may look like a million bucks or like a 500 lb couch potato, the act of fasting and eating whole, live natural foods may be a foreign language to them.

For these people, I would recommend starting with a 24 hour fresh juice fast once per week.  This will prevent muscle breakdown while allowing for a digestive period of rest.  Your body will be able to take a break from processing foods and can begin working slowly but diligently at healing itself.  If you were to start doing a water fast 24 hours every week without being in a state of ketosis from a very low carb diet, then you would be losing muscle mass every week.  So before anyone gets defensive with my lack of a complete explanation for beginners avoiding a 24 hours water fasting once weekly, understand there is a method to my madness.  If you can get through a couple of weeks without a problem with excessive cravings and the like, you are ready for step 2.

Step 2, once you have successfully been able to do a juice fast once weekly, it's time to up the anty.  Now you may want to try doing a 36 hour water fast.  Yes I did just jump from juicing to water only.  Why you may ask?  Simple, now you want to drain the body of glucose.  After 24 hours, your body will begin to enter a deep cleaning cycle for an additional 12 hours.  If you start your fast at midnight on a Monday and end it at noon on Tuesday, the deep rest cleaning portion will be benefited greatly as you will be asleep for a portion of that time, allowing more energy to go to the immune system and detox.

Once you feel comfortable doing this weekly for a while, try increasing the duration slowly.  Once you can make it to a 3 day water fast every 2 weeks, stop increasing the time you fast for.  As you will see in the 2 Week Zen Diet I am experimenting with, a 24 hour juice fast is used on day 5 of the 2 week period and a 3 day water fast at the end.  Another variation would be to eat normal for 10 days, then juice fast for 12 hours, followed by a 3 day water fast and broken with a 12 hour juice fast.  This equates to a 14 day or 2 week period.

In addition to adopting this method of eating and fasting, a few times a year longer fasts may be achieved under observation.  I would try doing a 4-7 day fast twice a year in addition to the bi weekly fasts.

So to use a 4 day fast in one month, I wouldn't waste it personally.  I would either juice fast for 24 hours followed by a 3 day water fast for maximum benefit, or I would do 2 (2 Day) water only fasts.  But that's just me.

A few scientific study excerpts for those interested in the science behind fasting and CR (caloric Restriction)

Three weeks of caloric restriction reduced leucine flux and oxidation during exercise in normal weight young men. However, despite negative nitrogen balance and loss of lean mass, whole body exercise performance was well maintained in response to CR.

it is conceivable that DR conducted in old age can be beneficial not only to retard age-related functional decline but also to restore functional activity in young rodents. Interestingly, recent evidence that involves DNA array gene _expression analysis supports the findings on the age-related decrease in protein turnover and its reversion by late-onset DR.  DR (Dietary Restriction)

in mice, CR maintains higher rates of gluconeogenesis and protein catabolism, even in the hours after feeding. The data are consistent with the idea that CR continuously promotes the turnover and replacement of extrahepatic proteins.

CR enhances and maintains protein turnover, and thus protein renewal, into old age. These effects are likely to resist the well-documented decline in whole body protein renewal with age. Enhanced renewal may reduce the level of damaged and toxic proteins that accumulate during aging, contributing to the extension of life span by CR.

Overall, the current findings indicate that changes in the level of caloric intake may reversibly affect the concentration of oxidized proteins and sufhydryl content. In addition, chronic restriction of caloric intake also retards the age-associated accumulation of oxidative damage. The magnitude of the reversible and chronic effects appears to be dependent upon the tissue examined and the nature of the oxidative alteration.

Oxidative damage to cellular macromolecules has been postulated to be a major contributor to the ageing of diverse organisms. Oxidative damage can be limited by maintaining high anti-oxidant defenses and by clearing/repairing damage efficiently. Protein turnover is one of the main routes by which functional proteins are maintained and damaged proteins are removed. Protein turnover rates decline with age, which might contribute to the accumulation of damaged proteins in ageing cells. Interestingly, protein turnover rates are maintained at high levels in caloric restricted animals. Whether changes in protein turnover are a cause or a consequence of ageing is not clear, and this question has not been a focal point of modern ageing research. Here we survey work on protein turnover and ageing and suggest that powerful genetic models such as the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans are well suited for a thorough investigation of this long-standing question.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fasting And Health (Part 1) Dry Fasting

In addition to the regular consumption of Kefir for health, Fasting should also become something you do on a regular basis.  Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a single day (24 hours), or several daytime periods. Other fasts may be only partially restrictive, limiting particular foods or substance. The fast may also be intermittent in nature (see: Intermittent fasting). Fasting practices may preclude sexual and other activities as well as food.

There are a number of different ways and recommendations for going about a fast.  After extensive reading and experimentation with fasting, I have come to appreciate the idea of "Everything in Moderation".  There are those with serious illnesses and chronic conditions that under strict medical supervision may do well to completely cure themselves with an extended fast.  Some of these longer fasts can last from 3 weeks to 90 days from what I've read.  Although the majority of "Long Fasts" seem to end around 30-40 days.  This is also historically significant with religious circles, as many of the religious leaders take on a 30-40 day fast and recommend periodic abstinence from food by their followers as well, for both religious and health reasons.

In India, there are always extreme accounts of fasting, ranging from only a few months, to years without food.  There are even those that claim to have plant like abilities, needing only sunshine, fresh air and water to life a happy and healthy life...Well...without going any further into these claims, let's take a look at the approach I have come to appreciate and the benefits I believe you can derive from my approach.

When I first started fasting this past winter, I did it out of my bodies need for something.  I had been relatively tired and had low energy.  I also felt achy and the long cold winters in the north didn't seem to be helping.  I read everything I could read about fasting before I concluded that it should be the next thing to try out.  I'm what you could call a research fanatic and Google is my God.  I had observed all my life how animals would fast when they were sick and how humans don't.  After reading numerous account of people healing themselves from a variety of different ailments simply by abstaining from food, I decided it was time to try it out!  After all, we are but glorified animals.  Why should we be any different from every other creature on the face of the earth when it comes to naturally healing ourselves.

So I decided to start off with a 3 day fast.  Because I have a tendency to be an extremest, I attempted to do a dry fast.  I believe that we consume too much water on a regular basis anyways.  A recent study testing city water around the United States discovered antibiotics, hormones, pesticides and guess what else...anti psychotics.  You should be able to achieve proper if not more beneficial saturation from a regular consumption of real whole fruits and vegetables without the need for excess water consumption.

Anyways, from what I had read at the time, the dry fast seemed to a more extreme and therefore more inviting method for me to try.  Thus began my experiment with dry fasting.  I tried not to pay much attention to any thirst I may have felt early on.  I had slept until about noon the day I started, after going to bed at my usual 4am.  Simply because I had it on my mind that I couldn't drink anything, I found myself thinking about it.  Not because I was thirsty however.  About 36 hours into my dry fasting experiment, I had to go work on some things at a family's house.  This was in the middle of winter and we had just gotten about 6 inches of fresh snowfall.  Sitting inside, I found myself suddenly full of energy.  They say dry fasting works much quicker at clearing the body of waste as even water needs to be properly digested.  With the absence of water, the body breaks down fats for hydration and also takes moisture from different areas in the body

This method tends to create a highly toxic environment in the blood rather quickly, as it cleans all the debris and any junk stored with the body fat and tissues.  Water helps to saturate these toxins making them less concentrated, which is why dry fasting can be dangerous if not closely monitored.  Long story short, I developed this strange energy that I decided to use.  Instead of using a snow blower, I hand shoveled a very large driveway.  This took me a while to do, but my energy level didn't seem to dissipate.  I felt rather strange as well.  Without consuming anything at all for only a day and a half, I noticed my ability to think had become very clear.  When your not busy eating and digesting, you have this immense energy and a mind that sometimes wont seem to shut up.

Sometime between the 36-40 hour mark something weird started to happen.  I could hear vehicles coming down the road from very far away and when they approached they sounds like a jet plane.  My hearing for some reason had started to clear up and I because rather sensitive to noise.  My brain also became overactive and I had a ton of ideas.  I just knew with all this energy I would run out of things to do.  So I started cleaning for a bit and watched several movies.  After staying up rather late, I decided I should go to bed.  I hadn't had anything to eat or drink in about 40 hours.  I tried to fall asleep. 

I became rather cold and covered myself up with more blankets.  I was in a cooler portion of the house without a lot of heat, so that didn't help much.  A few hours before bed, an old Brazilian jui-jitsu injury in my right elbow had begun to completely seize up.  I could barely bend it.  It was a hyper extended injury that took a month and a half before I could do a normal curl with it this past summer.  While lying in bed trying to sleep, I noticed a strange tingling in my elbow.  In my mind I imagined little workers fixing the area and removing calcium build up.  The feeling continued for a while.  At one point, my sinuses seemed to completely open up.  It wasn't a slow feeling, it just happened with one of my breaths.  They felt new again and I could suddenly breath without a problem.  My hearing and sense of smell were great!

Trying to fall asleep I laid my ear against the pillow lying on my side.  The noise was absurd.  I could hear every heart beat I had, but that wasn't the problem, the frequency inside my head was what was driving me crazy.  For those of you who have never done any brain entrainment (Neuro Programmer is the one I prefer), then you may not know what it's like to hear brainwave frequencies.  Listening to brain entrainment however, and hearing what I was hearing are two completely different things.  It would sound like a short drum roll, followed by a few separate individual beats.  As I started to drift off, the pattern changed to a very erratic sound with out a definitive pattern.  I thought to myself, how our own heart beat and breathing must entrain our brains during sleep, taking us deeper and deeper into low Delta frequencies.  After a while, I finally fell asleep.

A few hours later, I awake in a bit of a panic.  My heart beat is now VERY clear and noticeably not normal.  I can hear a few fast beat, then a pause and a few separate slow beats repeating over and over.  I knew I needed liquid quickly.  I tried to get up and went right to the ground.  I had to stay bent over as I couldn't fully extend my stomach as you would while standing erect.  I was dizzy and had blurred vision.  I needed liquid and fast I told myself.  The nauseousness took me over.  I fought it making it downstairs into the kitchen.  I took a cup and put enough water into it before I had to go back to the floor.  Then I worked my way to the refrigerator to get a hold of lemon juice.  I squeezed some into the water and took a sip.  After a few sips, my head felt completely normal again and the nausea disappeared.  I felt much much better.  It worked so quick to alleviate the discomfort, that I took the cup back upstairs with me.  I knew the dry fast portion of my experiment was over with.

Once I was tucked back into my warm nest on the couch, I had some more lemon water and easily fell asleep again.  I woke up easily with tremendous energy.  I went outside in the snow to the barn, feeding the chickens and giving them warm water.  I did a little shoveling and had some more lemon water.  I even watched a movie and then went back to sleep for a while.  My dreams were very vivid and clear.  My hearing, sense of smell and senses overall seemed very in tune and I felt very aware of everything.  I slept whithout a problem a few more times.  Things were almost surreal to me.  I had no hunger at this point and didn't need to drink anything either.  I decided to head back home.  I hopped into my truck and headed out.  One thing to be careful of is how relaxed and surreal things can become.

I thought I was heading back up north to my house, when I realized I was heading south with no off ramp for a while.  I knew that my brain was a bit out of it.  The ride home was pleasant though, even though I went the wrong way without even noticing.  Once home I started with some juices and water and very light food.  I was quickly filled with only a glass of water and a shot of cranberry juice.  My arm injury felt great, I could move it freely with little to no pain.  This strange event has changed my arm.  I had continuous pain in it and was unable to work out with it perviously due to pain.  After only 3 days of dry fasting, the pain is minimal now.  I can only attribute it to the dry fast.  Although I wont be doing a strict dry fast again, I did learn a few things.  I now know what signs and warning to look for and what benefits may occur.  After a while, your senses may become more in tuned and overly sensitive.  Hearing and sense of smell especially.  Body temperature drops after a while, so staying warm is critical.  lemon water has the ability to stop the nausea and heart issues and sleep is great.  The mind can become overactive and needs to be kept busy.

This was my first experiment and not one I recommend trying.  It did however lead me to read and experiment a lot more.  From dry fasting, I experimented off and on with 1-3 days of water fasting, trying various amounts of water.  I concluded that drinking a glass or more first thing in the morning, generally held me over for a while.  Then only drinking when necessary, and not always doing it, makes it much easier.  If you are always drinking, you will always be running to the bathroom.  It makes you wonder how much rest if any your actually giving your body.  So my recommendation is water first thing, then listen to your body and only drink when thirsty, no more, no less.


Dry Fasting OR Absolute Fasting - A type of fasting, where an individual goes completely without food or water for a period of time.  Usually this time frame is 1-3 days.  Some versions of Absolute Fasting also advise against showers / baths and other things as well.

My experiment with dry fasting ended after 2 days.  Nausea, erratic heart beat, sensitive hearing, sense of smell and overactive mind were all present during the fast.  Old injuries became achy and mobility was decreased but later returned better than before the fast.

Although there are those that will still recommend Dry Fasting as the ultimate healing tool, I would not recommend it to you.  It is an extreme form of fasting and can be dangerous without a doubt.  I am glad I tried this method but doubt I will do an absolute fast any time in the near future.

Part 2 - Intermittant Fasting (IF)

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Is Milk Kefir (Part 3 - YEASTS)

The following list of Yeasts may be found in their original list format located HERE.  The following information provided for each particular species was found throughout various scientific journals / studies and other various sources, each of which are cited under the content of each particular category.


Dekkera anomala t/ Brettanomyces anomalus a
Kluyveromyces marxianus t/ Candida kefyr a
Pichia fermentans t/ C. firmetaria a
Yarrowia lipolytica t/ C. lipolytica a
Debaryomyces hansenii t/ C. famata a
Deb. [Schwanniomyces] occidentalis
Issatchenkia orientalis t/ C. krusei a
Galactomyces geotrichum t/ Geotrichum candidum a
C. friedrichii
C. rancens
C. tenuis
C. humilis
C. inconspicua
C. maris
Cryptococcus humicolus
Kluyveromyces lactis var. lactis
Kluyv. bulgaricus
Kluyv. lodderae
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Sacc. subsp. torulopsis holmii
Sacc. pastorianus
Sacc. humaticus
Sacc. unisporus
Sacc. exiguus
Sacc. turicensis sp. nov
Torulaspora delbrueckii t
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii

Dekkera anomala t/ Brettanomyces anomalus a A new ascogenous yeast species, Dekkera anomala, is described. The strains studied were isolated from spoiled soft drinks. This species differs morphologically and physiologically from the species presently accepted in the genus Dekkera by the formation of blastese and the ability to ferment lactose.

Kluyveromyces marxianus t/ Candida kefyr a
Kluyveromyces marxianus is a species of yeast in the genus Kluyveromyces, and is the sexual form (teleomorph) of Candida kefyr. K. marxianus is used commercially to produce the lactase enzyme similar to the use of other fungi such as those in the genus Aspergillus.[2]
It is produced as a nutritional yeast and bonding agent for fodder and pet food, and as a source of ribonucleic acid in pharmaceuticals.

Candida kefyr is a rare cause of candidiasis and is usually associated with superficial cutaneous manifestations rather than systemic disease. It has been isolated from nails and lung infections. Environmental isolations have been made from cheese and dairy products.

Pichia fermentans t/ C. firmetaria a
A biofilm-forming strain of Pichia fermentans proved to be most effective in controlling brown rot on apple fruit when coinoculated into artificial wounds with a phytopathogenic isolate of Monilinia fructicola. Culture filtrates and autoclaved cells had no significant influence on the disease. When sprayed onto the apple fruit surface, this yeast formed a thin biofilm but failed to colonize the underlying tissues. When inoculated into wounds artificially inflicted to peach fruit or when sprayed onto the surface of peach fruit, the same strain showed an unexpected pathogenic behaviour, causing rapid decay of fruit tissues even in the absence of M. fructicola. Both optical and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate the pattern of fruit tissue colonization by P. fermentans. While on apple surface and within the apple wound the antagonist retained its yeast-like shape, colonization of peach fruit tissue was always characterized by a transition from budding growth to pseudohyphal growth. These results suggest that pseudohyphal growth plays a major role in governing the potential pathogenicity of P. fermentans, further emphasizing the importance of a thorough risk assessment for the safe use of any novel biocontrol agent.

Yarrowia lipolytica t/ C. lipolytica a
This Study reviews the advantages of using Yarrowia lipolitica for protein secretion.  The early steps were focused on (Cytoplasmic ribosomes to the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum to the polypeptide).  The first evidence of a co-translational translocation was discovered using a thermosensitive allele of the 7SL RNA.  Several new components of the translocational apparatus were discovered.,property%253Dbild,bereich%253Dbio,sprache%253Dde.jpg&imgrefurl=,r:1,s:0&tx=99&ty=64

Debaryomyces hansenii t/ C. famata a
Debaryomyces hansenii is a hemiascomycetous yeast commonly found in natural substrates and in various types of cheese. Pichia guilliermondii is widely distributed in nature and is a common constituent of the normal human microflora. Both species have been described in human infections but are extremely difficult to differentiate phenotypically. Thus, frequent errors in identification occur. The 62 clinical and environmental isolates sent between 2000 and 2007 to the French National Reference Center for Mycoses and Antifungals as D. hansenii or P. guilliermondii were analyzed by using the carbon assimilation pattern, the presence of pseudohyphae, and sequencing of the ITS and D1/D2 regions of the rRNA gene. The objective of this study was to assess using nucleotide sequences whether phenotypic identification was accurate and whether phenotypic characteristics could be used to differentiate the two species when sequencing was not available. We found that 58% of the isolates were misidentified and belong to seven different species: P. guilliermondii, P. caribbica, P. jadinii, D. hansenii, Candida palmioleophila, C. haemulonii type II, and Clavispora lusitaniae. In conclusion, D. hansenii may not be as common a human pathogen as previously thought. Sequencing of either ITS or D1/D2 regions is a good tool for differentiating the species more frequently confused with D. hansenii, keeping in mind that reliable databases should be used.

Deb. [Schwanniomyces] occidentalis
This yeast has a high affinity K+ uptake system with the ability to hold high concentrations, allowing it to deplete the eternal K+.  As an ascomycete yeast, it has the ability to grow in limiting conditions.  In other words, it can very easily absorb the K+ from its surroundings even when conditions aren't favorable for most other organisms attempting to do the same task.  This ability in return increases the driving force of the organism.

Healing Properties of Kefir (K-Z)

Lactose Intolerance
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Maintenance functions
Minerals and Amino Acids
Nervous System
Parodontosis Cures
Pathogenic Microorganisms
Psoriasis and eczema
Restores Healthy Microflora
Sleep Disorders
Urinary Tract Infections
Vaginitis (Inflammation of the Vagina)
Weight Loss
Yeast Infection

According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1 litre a day while maintaining a strict diet will improve kidney function.

The kidneys of a healthy individual can be maintained with the help of B vitamins. B vitamins are ever present in kefir and are easily digested as such. Regular consumption of kefir may help to regulate normal kidney function in those without kidney disease.

In a study found HERE, current sufferers of kidney disease were given single daily tablet containing 2.5 milligrams of folic acid, 25 milligrams of vitamin B6, and 1 milligram of vitamin B12, or a placebo (inactive) tablet. After 6 month follow up visits over a 3 year period some evidence shows that the B vitamins provided to those with failing kidneys were successful in lowering homocysteine levels in their body. However, those who were given the additional B vitamins also showed a lower GFR, which indicated healthy kidney function. They had twice the rate of heart attack, stroke, and other deaths at the end of the follow-up period. This was caused by a failing kidneys inability to excrete these water soluble vitamins through urine. Although the form of B vitamins in the study are not at all from Kefir, those with a failing kidney (One not eliminating properly) should be cautious when consuming large amounts of these otherwise healthy vitamins.

Some people claim that dairy products may increase your risk of developing kidney stones. According to this site, the author answers a few questions by a reader. The authors views are as follows concerning kidney stones and kefir. Its stated that to date there is no evidence that consuming dairy will cause kidney stones or that eliminating it will deter them. There are a number of causes for kidney stones and each case may be person specific. Regardless of a milk being raw or pasteurized, the calcium and phosphorus content are the same. The protein content in both cases breaks down into uric acid. As each individual is unique as are kidney stone causes, if one is prone to such an event, they should discuss this with a health professional. The author goes on to point out that there is no correlation to kefir and kidney stones, so avoiding kefir will not prevent them. On the other hand, kefir builds up micro flora in the body increasing vitamin K, which is known for strengthening blood vessels in the body. The kidneys included!
Try consuming a Kefir + Nutmeg Infusion for it's powerful detox properties and ability to dissolve kidney stones
Lactose Intolerance
"The researchers asked 15 adults to consume five separate test foods: 2 percent milk; plain kefir; raspberry-flavored kefir; plain yogurt; and raspberry-flavored yogurt. Each food was eaten after a 12-hour fast and followed up by a series of breath hydrogen tests every hour for eight hours. Participants were asked to record any symptoms of lactose intolerance for eight hours after eating each food. 
Past studies by other scientists have shown that eating fermented dairy products, such as yogurt, improves lactose digestion. Participants in the current study reported having little or no symptoms associated with lactose intolerance after eating both types of yogurt and kefir. Flatulence was the most-reported symptom. Drinking kefir reduced flatulence frequency by more than half, compared to milk.
Breath hydrogen levels were also significantly lower after consuming the plain and flavored kefir than after drinking milk. Flatulence is the biggest complaint among lactose-intolerant people, Hertzler said, and breath hydrogen is indicative of excessive gas in the digestive tract.

“Both kefir and yogurt improve lactose digestion simply because some of the bacterial cells give up their lives in the intestinal tract, release their enzymes and digest the lactose,” Hertzler said. “It’s a one-shot deal. However, kefir has additional microorganisms that may be able to colonize the intestines and benefit health further by protecting the intestine against disease-causing bacteria.”

According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1 litre daily.  The patient enjoys restful sleep without medication.

Nervous System
According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1 litre of kefir daily with a meal.  In severe cases, sleeplessness disappears without the use of medication.  appetite returns and depression disappears.

According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1/2 a litre daily of kefir.  The most severe sclerosis improves remarkably and does not return.

Try consuming a Kefir + Nutmeg Infusion to stimulate the brain, relieve stress levels and promote dreaming

According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1 litre a day so long as the illness dictates.  In recorded cases, ulcers have disappeared within 2 months time.

Yeast Infection
Try consuming a Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion to stop precription resistant yeast infections.

Healing Properties of Kefir (A-J)

The following items and their potential to be healed or helped with the use of Kefir and or kefir grains / or any byproduct there-of are from a culmination of various sites, including both scientific journals / studies and individual accounts of the beneficial and healing effects kefir has had on them.  A link or several links may be found referencing the original sources of the information provided for each disorder directly under the paragraphs describing any such benefits.  If you have any additional personal accounts of the benefits kefir has had releaving or healing you from a particular disorder that you see here or one that isn't included, please leave a reply at the bottom of the page with your info or link, and I will review it and add it to the page where relevant.

Absorption & Assimilation
Acid Reflux
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Antibacterial & Antifungal Properties
Arthritis & Rheumatism
Bad Breath
Biliary tract diseases
Blood Lipid Levels
Blood Sugar
Blood Vessels & Blood Pressure
Body Functions
Brain Reflexes, Memory, Attention,Senses
Calcination of blood vessels
Calcium Deficient
Catarrh (Cystic Catarrh)
Chemical antibiotics
Chronic Enteritis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Intestinal Infections
Colon Cancer
Complete Protein
Gallbladder (Gall stones)
Gum Disease
Heart & Blood Circulatory Conditions
Heavy Metals
High Blood Pressure
Immune System
Inflammatory Diseases
Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Absorption & Assimilation
An excerpt from the worlds healthiest foods:
Fermented Foods – Lacto-fermented foods have been around for a very long time. Common in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and North and Central European cuisine, fermentation has been used to enhance the flavor of food, create food, and help food having a longer shelf life. Fermented foods are delicious and nutritious. These traditional foods are key to our health.

Fermentation allows the bacteria, yeasts and molds to “predigest” and therefore break down the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to create probiotics which offer friendly bacteria into the digestive tract. This helps keep our immune system strong and supports overall digestive health.
Keep your digestive flora healthy and strong by regularly eating fermented foods.

Fermented foods are enzyme rich foods that are alive with micro-organisms. These foods allow beneficial microflora to “colonize” in the intestines (and for moms-to-be, also in the birth canal). This “inner ecosystem” helps support our health and fight infection. A healthy gastrointestinal tract is critical to a strong immune system. Diets rich in fermented foods, as well as fruits and vegetables, are best for us to in order to maintain a strong healthy body.

Fermented foods aid in digestion, promote healthy flora in the digestive tract, produce beneficial enzymes, offer better nutrition and allow the body to absorb vitamins (in particular C, and B12), minerals, nutritional value and omega 3s more effectively from foods. They regulate the level of acidity in the digestive tract and act as anti-oxidants. Fermented foods contain the same isothiocyanates found in cruciferous vegetables and therefore fight and prevent cancer.

Many fermented foods on the market today are not true fermented foods because they are created to maximize profits and shelf life instead of health. They are not as beneficial. It’s important that we eat foods that are fermented with “Active” or “Live” Cultures.

Pasteurization kills off the living bacteria so look for unpasteurized and fresh fermented foods (in the grocery refrigerator section). Since fermentation is a way to keep the living enzymes alive, it goes against the theory to use pasteurized (or dead) milk, for example, but you can make yogurt and kefir with pasteurized milk, it just won’t be as robust and beneficial.

Fermented Foods include: Acidophilus milk, amasake, beer, bleu cheese, chocolate, cider, coffee, cultured vegetables, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, marinated artichokes, miso, olives, pickles, saurkraut, soy sauce, tea, tempeh, umeboshi plums, vinegar, yogurt.

Another great read concerning the health benefits associated with consuming milk for both a pregnant organism and the offspring thereof HERE.

Acid Reflux
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the stomach contents (food or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). This action can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms.

Due to kefirs natural ability to aid in digestion, the microbes work to lessen the stress created on the body's system by overloading it with various foods. Over a period of time, with improper eating habits, the bacteria that should be hard at work inside of the human intestines are either in low counts or dominated by microbes that exist from the presence of hard to digest foods. The beneficial bacteria meant to help the body digest and eliminate the broken down elements from the whole foods consumed, can be absent causing an increase in internal fermentation of foods. When foods are allowed to ferment inside the body, usually caused by overeating and or eating foods in an improper order in specific quantities, internal fermentation occurs and can poison the bloodstream (Causing fatigue and other symptoms). When kefir is consumed on a regular basis, the foods are more easily assimilated and transported through the system as the plethora of beneficial microorganisms work hard to digest the nutrients provided. In return, a build-up of undigested fermenting foods can be avoided, lessening or completely stopping the effects of acid reflux.

Red cabbage juiced in a blender will also cure acid reflux in a very short period of time if consumed on a daily basis. Kefir grains / liquid whey produced by the process of fermentation through kefir making, may be used to create sauerkraut using cabbage to aid in the digestion of food and help to prevent or cure acid reflux.

According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1 litre of kefir daily for the treatment of acne and eczema.  In addition to oral consumption, sufferers should rub kefir topically onto infected area.  A hard crust will form upon drying.  Leave this crust all night and clean the following morning.  Even cases of severa eczema will be healed in 4 days following this regime.
Instead of treating acne externally, kefir works internally to stop acne from happening by the work of friendly bacteria in the intestines.

Kefir's ample supply of phosphorus, the second most abundant mineral in our bodies, helps utilize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins for cell growth, maintenance and energy.

Kefir is rich in Vitamin B12, B1, and Vitamin K. It is an excellent source of biotin, a B Vitamin which aids the body's assimilation of other B Vitamins, such as folic acid, pantothenic acid, and B12. The numerous benefits of maintaining adequate B vitamin intake range from regulation of the kidneys, liver and nervous system to helping relieve skin disorders, boost energy and promote longevity.

The following site, located HERE, suggests mixing EFA's, or Essential Fatty Acids, fish oil and Coconut oil with your kefir for healthier skin. The writer of this site recommends mixing all the ingredients into the kefir while waiting to add the coconut oil last. Coconut oil as you know is solid at room temperature. Coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat (Does not spoil easily as there are no open areas for oxidation to occur) that will solidify into clumps if added to cold or chilled kefir. It may be easier to melt the coconut oil then mix it into the kefir with the other ingredients that are at room temperature and drink immediately. This writer also recommends consuming 1/2 to 3/4 cup of this kefir mixture for the direct cure of acne daily. They personally consume their mixture during lunch and sometimes as a snack.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
A story of a father and son who were both diagnosed with ADHD and placed on precription drugs "5 mg. Dexedrine spansules 2 x day". After reading and searching for alternative non-drug related "cures", they made some changes to their regime. "We take 2 capsules of (synergistic, naturally occurring probiotic complex) Kefir Caucasicum and 1 additional capsule of acidophilis (until we get the "good flora" overpowering the "bad bacteria." At the time of this post, they had already reduced their precription medication and were on their way to completely eliminating any such drugs from their daily regime.  Read their full story found HERE.

Aging (Anti-Aging)
Great .pdf article / study on effects of intestinal immunity and aging in young and old rats from probiotic use found HERE.
The adjuvant effect of kefir fermented milk on the mucosal and systemic immune systems was examined in young (6 mo old) and old (26 mo old) rats. Kefir-fed rats consisted of young or old rats consuming kefir-fermented milk ad libitum on a daily basis in addition to the standard diet, for 28 d. Control rats consumed only the standard diet. The rats were immunized intraduodenally with cholera toxin (CT) on d 7 and 21 and killed on d 28. The nonspecific serum immunoglobulin (Ig)A titers in kefir-fed and control rats did not differ in either age group. The serum anti-CT IgA antibody concentrations were significantly higher in the kefir-fed young rats compared with their age-matched controls (+86%, P ≤ 0.05). This difference was associated with enhanced in vitro antibody secretion by cultured lymphocytes isolated from the Peyer’s patches and the intestinal lamina propria (+180%, P ≤ 0.05). These enhanced responses were found only in the young rats. However, the nonspecific serum IgG titer was higher (>120%, P ≤ 0.05) and the anti-CT IgG titer was lower (-80%, P ≤ 0.05), in both young and old kefir-fed rats compared with their respective controls. Nevertheless, these results demonstrate that a kefir-supplemented diet affects the intestinal mucosal and systemic immune responses to intraduodenal CT differently in young and old rats. Most importantly, our data suggest that orally administered kefir enhances the specific intestinal mucosal immune response against CT in young adult, but not in senescent rats.

Consuming kefir increases the amount of saliva present in the mouth when consuming food. This saliva contains elements that increase the ability and rate in which your body can break down food. As food is better broken down on the way to and while in the stomach, its more easily digested. This leads to better gastrointestinal health, which invariably leads to a longer life. In addition, kefir is known to alter the pH of the colon by production of lactic acid. This helps to inhibit the growth of tumor related bacteria and prevents the development of cancer, also extending your life.

Also, check out the following links for the benefits of fasting along with regular kefir consumption to slow the aging process and extend ones life HERE.

Alcohol (Hangovers)
Young Coconut Kefir is a fermented drink made from the water inside young green coconuts. Full of healthy bacteria (microflora), it benefits your stomach, liver and intestines. With many healing properties, it is a smart choice when you wake up with a hangover. In fact, some of our customers tell us they have Young Coconut Kefir before they have a glass of wine - to counteract the negative effects of alcohol. Another customer wrote to tell us she dilutes her occasional glass of wine with Young Coconut Kefir because she loves the taste. She's definitely noticed that this has eliminated the wine's negative side effects.

It's not just alcohol that creates symptoms of intoxication in your body. Candida -- a systemic yeast/fungal infection that Body Ecology has specialized in for years - creates similar symptoms. Candida floods your body with a toxic by-product called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde produces similar symptoms to an alcohol hangover.

This serious toxin poisons tissues, is not easily eliminated and accumulates in your brain, spinal cord and muscles. Keeping in mind that your heart and intestines are muscles, you may now understand why you have symptoms of brain fog, muscle weakness and even pain.

Interestingly, alcoholics often have candida that has spread to their liver. If they try to give up alcohol without understanding how to cope with these cravings, it can be challenging.

Since Young Coconut Kefir can stop cravings for sugar and alcohol, it can be especially healing for alcoholics (who instead usually turn to heavy use of sugar and cigarettes -- poor alternatives.)

Young Coconut Kefir provides the defense your body needs to fight the symptoms of a hangover - and the systemic fungal infection caused by candida.

Consumption of milk kefir and soymilk kefir suppressed the IgE and IgG1 responses and altered the intestinal microflora in our supplemented group, suggesting that milk kefir and soymilk kefir may be considered among the more promising food components in terms of preventing food allergy and enhancement of mucosal resistance to gastrointestinal pathogen infection.

Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues.

Antibacterial & Anti Fungal Properties

Antimicrobial Effects
A group of Wistar rats were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus (Most common cause of Staph infection) and induced with skin legions. Candida albicans (A diploid fungus, which is opportunistic by nature for oral and genital infections in humans, a common cause of morbidity in patients with an immunocompromised system.) Commonly, those undergoing organ or bone marrow transplants, AIDS patients and those under chemo therapy. This makes any patient in the intensive care unit at a hospital a major concern for public health. Alternative antimicrobials were also tested to compare to any healing effects kefir may have against current methods for the same infections. Testing was done by cicatrizing experiments, which simply means by healing the rats with the development of scar tissue.

A topical gel was applied containing 70% kefir and kefiran (insoluble polysaccharide). Both kefir and kefiran showed activity against all organisms it came into contact with. Of all the organisms it had an effect on, Streptococcus pyogenes (An infection usually starting in the throat or on the skin, may be very mild to life-threatening in nature. Common results of its growth on the body include pharyngitis or strep throat and impetigo, a localized skin infection) was effected the most.

Over a 7 day period, the protective effect had taken place on the connective skin tissue where the kefir, kefiran gel had been applied. Wound healing had also taken place (cicatrizing), where the infections had originally been located on the rats. This was in comparison with 5mg/kg of neomycin–clostebol emulsion. 

In another study testing the antimicrobial effects of kefir, the drink proved to once again overpower several food borne illness related microbes. Tested were the following: Staphylococcus aureus (Most common cause of Staph infection), Bacillus cereus (Responsible for 2-5% of food borne illnesses, resulting in diarrhea, vomiting and severe nausea). Salmonella enteritidis (Food poisoning causing diarrhea in healthy individuals, but potentially life threatening sickness for the young and elderly, or those with compromised immune systems.) Listeria monocytogenes (20-30% of infections caused by this facultative anaerobe result in death, responsible for approx. 2,500 illnesses and 500 deaths in USA annually. Known to frequently cause meningitis in newborns it is the leading cause of death of all food borne pathogens). Escherichia coli (Otherwise known as E. Coli, is commonly found in the lower intestines of warm blooded organisms, are generally of no cause for concern in humans. The one strand known for food recalls and serious sickness is serotype O157:H7).

The method of testing was disk diffusion or Kirby-Bauer antibiotic testing, which is a test using antibiotic-impregnated wafers to see if certain bacteria are susceptible to specific antibiotics. A specified amount of bacteria are grown on agar plates with thin wafers containing antibiotics. A clearing will form around the wafer where bacteria cant grow if they are susceptible (zone of inhibition).

At storage of 4 degrees C, antimicrobial effects were seen on all pathogenic microbes. Matching room temperature effects from 24 and 48 hours, similar effects were seen on the 1st, 4th and 7th days at 4 degrees C. The largest inhibitory effects were seen with S. aureus, with diameter zones of 21.4 and 21.1 mm. During this storage period however, the effects seemed to decrease or do nothing except for Salmonella enteritidis, in which effects of kefir increased over this particular organism.

This study was aimed at evaluating the antimutagenic and antioxidant properties of milk-kefir and soymilk-kefir. Such antimutagenic activity was determined by means of the Salmonella mutagenicity assay, whereas the antioxidant properties of kefir were evaluated by assessing the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging activity, lipid peroxidation inhibition activity, ferrous ion chelating ability, reducing power, and antioxidative enzyme activity. Both milk-kefir and soymilk-kefir demonstrated significantly greater antimutagenic activity than milk and soymilk. Milk-kefir and soymilk-kefir also displayed significantly greater scavenging activity upon DPPH radicals, an inhibition effect upon linoleic acid peroxidation, and more substantial reducing power but displayed a reduced glutathione peroxidase activity than was the case for milk and soymilk. Milk and soymilk fermented by kefir grains did not alter the ferrous ion chelating ability and superoxide dismutase activity of the original materials. These findings have demonstrated that milk-kefir and soymilk-kefir possess significant antimutagenic and antioxidant activity and suggest that milk-kefir and soymilk-kefir may be considered among the more promising food components in terms of preventing mutagenic and oxidative damage.

Its believed that the long life and health demonstrated by the natives of the Northern Caucasus where kefir grains were used daily are attributed to the antioxidants found in kefir grains. The antioxidants present in kefir seem to protect the cells from damage (Free radical damage) and aging.

The aim of this study was to investigate the bacterial inhibition and antioxidant activity of 24 and 48 h of rice milk-kefir and cow milk-kefir. Bacterial inhibition activity of kefir was investigated against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtillis, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens by using the disk diffusion method. Kefir showed some activity against all organisms tested. Antioxidant activity of kefir was measured using three different methods: DPPH radical scavenging activity of extracts, lipid peroxidation assay and hydroxyl radical scavenging activity. As a standard BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisole) was used. Rice milk-kefir was displayed significantly greater of antioxidant activity. These findings have suggested that rice milk-kefir may be considered among the more promising food components in term of preventing oxidative damage. 

Arthritis & Rheumatism
Try consuming a Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion for arthritis relief.  A combination of cinnamon and honey are known to offer relief and remove pain from 1-4 weeks.


Blood Vessels & Blood Pressure
According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1 litre of kefir daily for 2 months. After 2 months time, blood pressure should stabilize and read as normal. To heal decomposition of the blood, 1 litre daily should be followed, and 2 litres daily for severe cases.
Try consuming a Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion for it's anti blood clotting properties
Try consuming a Kefir + Nutmeg Infusion for it's ability to help lower blood pressure

Brain Reflexes, Memory, Attention,Senses
Try consuming a Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion to help boost memory and cognitive function.  The very smell of cinnamon will help the brain to achieve these changes.

Try consuming a Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion to reduce the proliferation of lymphoma and leukemia cancer cells

Catarrh (Cystic Catarrh)
According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1 litre of kefir per day as long as required. 1/2 a litre a day will regulate blood pressure and normalize body weight.

Try consuming a Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion to help lower your LDL cholesterol

A study conducted on fecal plasma levels in individuals consuming kefir (Although source & type of kefir is not described in the study), found that after 4 weeks of supplementation with kefir that the plasma levels in the 7 individuals participating in the study, that didn't lower significantly to be used as a cholesterol lowering agent in and of itself.  The kefir used in the study was not identified as being store bough liquid or powder, or real kefir.  Without this missing piece to the puzzle, we cant conclude anything beyond the probability that like the subjects receiving a mixture of powdered milk, skim milk and whole milk, that those receiving kefir, received a very calculated type in the form of a store bought powder or liquid.  It's highly probable that a powder form was used in the study, which isn't the same a real kefir grains, but would be much easier to study in a lab as over a 4 week period, the bacteria contained in the samples could be tightly controlled, where as real kefir grains contain far too many variables of probiotic numbers, depending greatly on the length of the fermentation and the type of milk used.

Here is a website dedicated to the cure for Type 2 Diabetes. This gentleman will be experimenting with the addition of kefir in his daily regime. One thing he has discovered to have the greatest impact on lowering his blood sugar has been a low carbohydrate diet. As carbohydrates cause an insulin spike, avoiding these things along with any processed fats will greatly improve your overall blood sugar readings. This person also includes in his regime a series of exercises. Of greatest impact thus far has been the introduction of overhead dumbbell presses and squats. The squats seem to have been making the greatest impact on his blood sugar readings. They seem to have an effect on lowering his sugar even 24 hours after working out. He chooses to do these exercises on most days. Once his kefir grains are starting to produce good curd and whey separation, any effect they have will be noted and posted here on this site.
Try consuming a Kefir + Cinnamon Infusion to help regulate your blood sugar.

Try consuming a Kefir + Nutmeg Infusion for it's ability prevent stomach aches and stop diarrhea
If you have eaten a food combination that causes diarrhea in a short period of time, you have two options.  You can try to immediately consume a small amount of 48 hour kefir mixed with nutmeg (4-6 oz), knowing that the diarrhea will continue for a while, or wait until it has settled down.  It's not a bad idea to consume a small amount while you are experiencing the discomfort, but know it will help to flush out the bad bacteria rather quickly.
When you have diarrhea from dehydration, you will crave fluid.  Only when this happens should you consume water.  If your diarrhea isn't dehydration related, and you consume large amounts of water between bowel movements, your simply adding to the problem.  Your small and large intestines for one reason or another are not properly absorbing the water from what your have drank or eaten, and instead this fluid is entering the colon, where is is uncomfortably expelled.  At this point, STOP drink or eating anything (Real ginger ale (small amount) exception).  Once you stop putting things into your system, the fluid will leave through urination and the rest expelled.  In just a short period fasting will recover you completely.

Gallbladder (Gall stones)
According to a paper located HERE, recommendations include consuming 1 litre of kefir daily to heal gall problems.  It mentions that milk and cream however can be deleterious and cause attacks, while the kefir product will eliminate the problem.

Heart & Blood Circulatory Conditions
Try consuming a Kefir + Nutmeg Infusion for it's ability to stimulate the cardiovascular system and increase circulation
According to a paper located HERE, recommendations of consuming 1 litre of 12 hour long fermented kefir until bowel movements have normalised, then continue consuming a 24 hour long fermented kefir daily.

Inflammatory Diseases
Try consuming a Kefir + Nutmeg Infusion for their individual and combined anti inflammatory effects