Left Image (Contains 2 jars - Left Jar & Right Jar)
Left Jar - Contains milk that has fermented for 24 hours in kefir grains from the jar to it's right. This milk has been strained and should be void of any remaining milk kefir grains. This jar will remain undisturbed for another 24 hours.
Right Jar - Contains fresh milk and existing milk kefir grains. This jar will be agitated in some way to ensure even distribution of grains and a more even feeding.
Right Image (Contains 2 Jars - Left Jar & Right Jar)
Left Jar - Contains milk that has fermented for an additional 24 hours without any kefir grains present. This will equate to a total of 48 hours of kefir fermentation. The contents of this jar are not touched in any way shape of form during this second 24 hour fermentation period. This allows us to see any curd and whey separation without interfering with it during the process. When the contents begin to separate after the 2nd 24 hours period, they are ready to be consumed.
Right Jar - Contains milk that has fermented for 24 hours WITH milk kefir grains.
Day 1 - Baby milk kefir grains arrive by mail. 4 oz whole pasteurized cows milk added to jar with grains. Jar agitated at 8 hour mark and 19 hour mark. Left to ferment for 24 hours between 61-65 degrees F.
Day 2 & 3 - 1st batch of milk is strained into an additional jar to ferment without grains for another 24 hours. Another 4 oz of whole pasteurized cows milk is added to first jar (Right Jar) to ferment for 24 hours. No separation in second jar after second 24 hours fermentation.
Day 4 & 5 - Batch 3 was disposed of as it was too thick to strain off. In order to remove the majority of the contents, fresh milk was added and mixed well then strained. A lot of curd had combined with the kefir grains from this batch. I decided to add 12 oz of milk for batch 4. After 24 hours with 12 oz of milk the fermentation was tremendous. I will be upping the milk to 16 oz.

Day 5 & 6 - The kefir had to be strained through a regular pasta strainer today as it was too thick for the fine mesh strainer. The grains seem to be doing well and growing fairly quickly. 16 oz of milk is now being used for Batch number 5.
Day 6 & 7 - I made the mistake of changing milk recently to a type that had an off smell and taste to it. I didn't want to drink it, so I fed it to the grains instead. Now the smell had gone from yogurt to a bitter unpalatable mixture. So for Batch 6 I switched it to something without much of a smell or and off taste. Hopefully this will solve the yeast problem.