This is my current choice of milk for making kefir with.
This choice is something I tried to avoid, mostly because I thought I could get the same benefits and save a lot of money buying store bought. I currently pay $10 per gallon for Organic raw milk. For a gallon of Raw I could afford almost 3 gallons of store bought.
Why not just save the money and buy store bought?
Simple...Gluten allergy
If I had to pull a number out of my ass on the efficiency of store bought milk to make kefir with in preventing headaches and other common side effects associated with gluten sensitivity...Id say around 20-30% when compared to Raw milk kefir.
Simply drinking raw milk seems to help lessen negative related side effects like inflammation and headaches for me. But raw milk kefir is amazing in preventing these things from occurring at all...IF I drink it a few times a week.
Ive noticed that the ideal consumption for gluten allergy suppression or prevention is 6 nights a week (1-2 cups of milk kefir). You can get away with 4-5 nights a week as long as some of the kefir is still undergoing longer fermentation times while you are not drinking it.
Once you have done this for a while, its takes a strong hold on your system and will last for 10-12 days if you stop cold turkey and start eating gluten and sugar like an animal...Accidental experimentation.
Random Facts
Raw Milk contains 8 essential amino acids
Contains 80% casein and 20% whey
Antiviral, anti cancer and iron binding effects from lactoferrin, antibiotic effects from lysozymes and lactoperoxidase
Raw milk used as medicine early part of last century
You could live on raw grass fed cows milk exclusively if nothing else was available
Raw milk contains lactose-digesting Lactobacilli bacteria which helps to digest the lactose for you. Good for those who cant usually drink traditional store bought milk. This creates lactic acid. Lactic acid allows for more calcium, iron and phosphorus absorption and makes the proteins more digestible.
Contains CLA's (conjugated linoleic acid) in 3-5 times that of feed lot cows.
With does this stuff do?
Well its known to increase muscle growth, eat away abdominal fat, raise metabolic rate, reduce insulin resistance, lower food allergy reactions and increases immune system response.
Thanks for the great information.
Interesting fact regarding grass fed cows producing milk that humans can survive on with nc other food available.
Maybe the survival guy as seen on tv, can have an episode of himself drinking milk from a cow for a week and survive!
That would be pretty interesting to watch :)' I couldn't do it, I like food with my milk too much :)
Great blog. Thank you.
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