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My blog dedicated to water kefir
Real Water Kefir Grains
What is Water Kefir?
Simply put, water kefir is a fermented probiotic beverage.
The exact details of its makeup can be found HERE.
Similar to milk kefir, water kefir thrives on sugar. There are 2 distinct difference between them however. The first is that water kefir likes sugar cane and milk kefir likes milk sugars. In addition, water kefir is clear and translucent, crumbling easily; while milk kefir is white and rubbery in form and very tough.
What is a Probiotic?
If you are reading this blog then you are most likely interested in the Probiotic effects of water kefir and water kefir grains. According to Wikipedia, "Probiotics are live microorganisms that may confer a health benefit on the host."
Good question, and it really all depends on your personal preference. On the cheapest end of the scale assuming you have well water with minerals in it you can buy white sugar in bulk and grow the grains indefinitely off that alone. Which is very cheap to do indeed. Making 4 cups every 2 days you would only go through 1/4 cup of sugar. (DO NOT USE HONEY as honey is antibacterial and antimicrobial and will eventually kill your grains)
Increasing the mineral content a bit for very cheap, you can continue to use the white sugar but add some extra trace minerals for your grains to use. This would entail a small pinch of sea salt and a small pinch of baking soda to your sugar water.
Taking this a bit further, you may also choose to include some organic black strap molasses which will last you a very very long time. Its simple to dip the end of a knife into the molasses bottle and stir the warm sugar water dissolving both the sugar and the molasses into the mixture. Again you only need about 1/8th to 1/4 of a teaspoon for 4 cups or water kefir.
Increasing the trace mineral content even further, you may decide to use some unrefined organic sugar cane to take up a portion for the sugar. And if you decide you can eliminate the white refined sugar all together and simply use a more expensive less processed sugar cane with the above additions OR pure Maple Syrup plus a little molasses.

What is a Probiotic?
If you are reading this blog then you are most likely interested in the Probiotic effects of water kefir and water kefir grains. According to Wikipedia, "Probiotics are live microorganisms that may confer a health benefit on the host."
Ok, so what exactly does this mean?
It means that the microorganisms that are created by the consumption of sugar water which has a fizzy taste similar to soda can make their way into your digestive tract to help you to digest and assimilate not only more nutrients but also more trace minerals. On top of that they like to increase your killer cells which take out bad bacteria living inside of you.
For the benefits you will get from consuming the water kefir and the grains themselves, the amount of time and resources dedicated to their care is negligible. You can make a new batch of water kefir every other day in about 5-10 minutes time for very cheap depending on your sugar sources. This includes creating the first and secondary fermentation jars.
I personally have a 3 stage fermentation process that goes like this:
Stage one - Water, sugar, sea salt, baking soda, black strap molasses and water kefir grains sit for 48 hours. (Sugar and water are the only ingredients needed if water is of good mineral content).
Stage two - Strained water kefir goes into second jar with tight lid with additional sugars in the form of cheap juices, wet or dried fruits or simply a little more sugar where it will sit for an additional 48 hours.
Stage three - Second jar is bottled into tight flip top bottles for increased carbonation and to further digest out any remaining sugars for another 48 hours. This is then consumed between days 5-6 and finished before next batch is then bottled and process repeated.

All in all, for the amount of probiotic kefir water and grains you will get you can not compare this to any other probiotic on the market today. Nothing simply compares to the speed and amount you get for how cheap this is to make.
So its cheap to make and takes very little time, what tools will I need?
So by now you should understand that making water kefir is a very simple process. The grains simply need sugar water and somewhere to ferment. What other tools will you need to make the kefir grains? Lets take a look.
1) A glass jar with a tight lid or a coffee filter and rubber band (I use a pickling jar that holds about 8 cups of water with an airlock) this will be for your first fermentation (The ferment that contains only sugar water and kefir grains).
2) A second glass jar OR glass bottles with flip top stoppers. This is used to flavor the strained kefir water from the first jar and allowed to sit for secondary fermentation.
3) Flip top stopper bottles for 3rd fermentation if using another jar for second ferment.
4) A plastic or stainless steel strainer, and a plastic bowl for straining the kefir liquid into. The only other thing you will need would be a spoon for the kefir, a 1/4 measuring cup and / or a set of measuring spoons. and that's it!
I have all of these tools and access to sugar, what about water?
Ahhh, the most important part for successful water kefir growth...The water source
The best water sources would be well or spring water. This is because these don't usually contain large amounts of chlorine etc. which can be found in most city water sources. Well water is also very rich in trace minerals which the grains will love and thrive off of. So if you have well water you are all set.
What if you don't have well water?
Then you will have to take a few precautions. First of all you will want to boil your water before each batch which will help to remove most of the chlorine etc. Then you will want to make sure you add a pinch of sea salt and a pinch of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to each batch along with some organic black strap molasses. A 1/4 egg shell is also an option if grains wont grow.
That being said, your grains may still not thrive if your water is bad. but they will still work and ferment your drinks just fine. If they don't grow, you can try mineral water from a store.
No, stick with glass. These drinks and the microorganisms within them are strong and the acids can cause plastic to leech into your batches which is not something you want to be consuming. So stick to glass and you should be just fine.
How long will the grains make kefir for?
Unlike the powder, these are real LIVE water kefir grains, which will last indefinitely if cared for properly. You can have your own home made probiotics for the rest of your live and pass these onto your friends and family forever.
Can I flavor the kefir WITH the grains?
Sure you could, but you might kill them or slow down their growth if you use the wrong things (Lemon etc.) Its best the leave the grains to ferment the sugar water with only the above mentioned additions. If you want to add juices and fruits to your water kefir, do it in the secondary fermentation jars where the grain have been removed. Always keep the first ferment with the grains simple to ensure they live a long healthy life.
So I flavor the kefir after I strain the grains?
So I flavor the kefir after I strain the grains?
Once you have strained the water kefir and separated out the grains you should only have a liquid now. This liquid should have fermented with the grain for 48 hours. Now you can add your juices or fruits and ferment them for another 2-6 days. Just make sure to burp your corked bottles regularly to make sure they don't explode from over carbonation!
Sounds easy enough, where do I get the grains to get started?
Sounds easy enough, where do I get the grains to get started?
If you would like to order live water kefir grains to use and share with your friends and family I can send them to you in the mail. All you need to do is select the quantity of grains you would like to receive from the drop down menu on the top right of my blog where it says BUY NOW.
Ok so I just purchased the grains, how long will shipping take?
Once payment is received, I will package your grains during my next batch change. This is done every other day. So at most, your grains would take 4 full days to be packaged and placed in the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation within them for shipping. Then the grains will be sent out within 1-2 days after that. I ship Standard shipping with USPS which can be 5-8 days. I only ship withing the US.
My grains have just arrived in the mail now what do I do?
If you cant get to them right away, I would suggest placing them in the refrigerator until you are ready to start using them. The sooner you can get them into some fresh sugar water though, the better.
Start by dissolving your sugar into hot water, one cup usually works fine. Then add in cold water until you have the appropriate amount. 4 cups for 4 tablespoons of grains. Then once the water is at room temperature, simply add your grains directly from the packaging into the sugar water and tighten the lid or add your air lock (You may also use a coffee filter and rubber band). Leave for a full 48 hours out of direct sunlight. (Grains don't like light)
Remember that your first batch of water kefir will be thrown away so you can use plain white sugar to start with.
What if I have more questions?
Simply post your questions below if you would like and I will answer them for everyone to see. Or I will add your question to a general faq page where I will answer it there. You can also email me directly at
I will try to help you directly through my mail or follow up here on my blog for you. My goal is to make this as easy for people as possible as I know what great benefit kefir is to your digestive tract and overall health.
Enjoy these wonderful little miracles!
What You Will Receive
Each order contains (4 tbsp) or (1/4 cup) of LIVE water kefir grains.
Each order will be shipped in a (4" x 7.5" Kraft Bubble Mailer Envelope) and shipped through USPS.
Inside of the envelope will be (2) zip lock plastic baggies, one inside of the other.
The innermost zip lock bag with contain the Live Water Kefir Grains
I ONLY ship within the USA*
You will receive Live Water Kefir Grains directly from batches I am using in continuous production.
What To Do Once You Receive The Grains
Once the grains arrive in the mail, they will be hungry for fresh sugar and minerals. I prefer to use both a primary and a secondary fermentation (And I even extend the secondary fermentation into a 3rd for a total of 6 fermentation days. Here is what you will want to do for best results.
Days 1 - 2
1) Prepare a clean & DRY glass jar (Canning jars with seal-able lid or air-lock lid recommended)
2) Place fine strainer over bowl. Open plastic bag containing water kefir grains. Fill bag partially with fresh water. Pour contents into strainer. Repeat until all grains are out of original bag that contents were shipped in.
3) The grains may look or smell off temporarily from the shipment process (So don't be alarmed!) Dissolve 1/4 cup sugar in hot well water then add 3 cups cool water for a total of 4 cups. Let cool at room temperature. (Additional things you can add would be a pinch or sea salt, a pinch or baking soda and a 1/2 teaspoon of organic black strap molasses.) (DO NOT USE HONEY as honey is antibacterial and will slowly kill your grains) Scoop water kefir grains into jar and tighten with lid.
4) Let jar sit for 2 full days (48 hours) You may agitate jar after 24 hours to allow any remaining sugar to be dispersed for grains to consume if desired. Not necessary to shake contents at all however unlike milk kefir.
Note: After 2 days inside the jar, the water kefir should appear lighter in color and should have carbon dioxide bubbles now floating on the surface. The water kefir grains may also be floating on the surface if the water and sugar used was of good quality. This means that the grains grew so fast that they encapsulated carbon dioxide inside of them. After 2 days of fermentation it is time to move on to step number 2.
Days 4 - 6 And After...
1) Once the grains have fermented in 4 cups of sugar water for 2 days, it's finally time to strain them. Please use a fine mesh strainer to catch as many of the grain as possible. Start by placing a large bowl under the strainer. Take the water kefir and shake the contents thoroughly to help mix it up. Dump the contents into the strainer until only the grains remain.
2) There should be plenty of grains now remaining on the strainer to use in the next batch. If your water and mineral quality was good the grains may have doubled by now. If your strainer was too large and grains went through it, use a smaller strainer and repeat the process (Importance of the bowl).
3) If all of the grains remained in the strainer, give them a good rinse under cool water. Clean jar in sink with hot water (Soap not needed!) Discard firth batch of water kefir but save ALL grains.
4) Make batch 2. If your grains have doubled, please apply the following recommended amounts of (Grains:Sugar:Water)
Grains - 1/4-1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Water - 4 cups
Grains - 1/2-1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Water - 7-8 cups
I personally use a mason jar with about 7 cups of water, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup of grains for each batch. This works out great and I consume the extra grains made every 2 days in a shake.
5) If the original batch grew enough in the first 2 days to completely ferment the initial 4 cups of sugar water with effervescence, the second batch should be fine to consume after secondary fermentation.
6) After the second batch has sat for 48 hours, strain the contents like before. This time, place the strained kefir into a new glass jar (Air lock is best to refine the taste and texture), or tighten a lid and allow to sit for another 48 hours. This batch should include the addition of sugary juices or dried fruits to give extra sugar for secondary fermentation.
7) You should now have 2 jars in production. The first jar containing the grains and fresh sugar water every 2 days. And the second jar containing the strained kefir which sits ferments under airlock with addition of extra sugar, juice or fruit for 2 more days.
8) Every 2 days, consume the secondary fermentation kefir (From the airlock jar) and add new sugar water to the first batch (With the grains). That's it! Once you have done it once or twice it will be so simple you wont even have to think about it.
1) Take it slow...Water kefir is alkinalizing, so try not to mix it with foods that require a highly acidic environment to digest them. Listen to your body and consult your physical before consuming to make sure you are healthy enough. Although I have not been able to find any negative effects from drinking water kefir, moderation is also a good practice with anything.
2) Start consuming only 1 cup 4-5 days a week. When you consume kefir for the first time, you may experience some cramping as it works its was through your body. This is powerful stuff and should be taken before bed or first thing in the morning for best results starting out. Every 2 days, you may have new water kefir grains (Extras) which are very good to make into a shake. I like to use a banana, water and whey protein to consume them. Possible temporary lack of bowel movements for the next 18-24 hours if consuming large amount of the grains before bed. I have personally noticed this with the grains themselves but very thorough digestion has always taken place even with food I am normally sensitive to.
3) I tend to rinse my jars out every batch of kefir I make (Less so for milk kefir (Only once a week) but every new batch (2 days) for water kefir. I also give my grains a quick rinse with fresh water before starting a new batch. This helps to eliminate any strong yeasty smells and tastes when consuming the extra grains.
4) If you want to try a kefir infusion (Adding something the the batch to increase is vitamin / mineral content through the process of microbial fermentation...NEVER add these items to the batch containing the live kefir grains themselves! Only ever use sugar water with them. The secondary (Strained) kefir is where you add things like crystallized, sliced fruit, juice and the like for the second 48 hours or more.
Good Luck and have fun with the stuff!
Don't fret about messing it up, this stuff is incredibly tough as long as you have good water and don't use honey or other things WITH the kefir grains, keep it simple...
Experiment and try to stick to a fairly consistent usage, again I find 4-5 days a week to be perfect. More on occasion. This allows you to consume a longer fermented beverage a few days a week.
Email me if you have any questions!
What You Will Receive
Each order contains (4 tbsp) or (1/4 cup) of LIVE water kefir grains.
Each order will be shipped in a (4" x 7.5" Kraft Bubble Mailer Envelope) and shipped through USPS.
Inside of the envelope will be (2) zip lock plastic baggies, one inside of the other.
The innermost zip lock bag with contain the Live Water Kefir Grains
I ONLY ship within the USA*
You will receive Live Water Kefir Grains directly from batches I am using in continuous production.
What To Do Once You Receive The Grains
Once the grains arrive in the mail, they will be hungry for fresh sugar and minerals. I prefer to use both a primary and a secondary fermentation (And I even extend the secondary fermentation into a 3rd for a total of 6 fermentation days. Here is what you will want to do for best results.
Days 1 - 2
1) Prepare a clean & DRY glass jar (Canning jars with seal-able lid or air-lock lid recommended)
2) Place fine strainer over bowl. Open plastic bag containing water kefir grains. Fill bag partially with fresh water. Pour contents into strainer. Repeat until all grains are out of original bag that contents were shipped in.
3) The grains may look or smell off temporarily from the shipment process (So don't be alarmed!) Dissolve 1/4 cup sugar in hot well water then add 3 cups cool water for a total of 4 cups. Let cool at room temperature. (Additional things you can add would be a pinch or sea salt, a pinch or baking soda and a 1/2 teaspoon of organic black strap molasses.) (DO NOT USE HONEY as honey is antibacterial and will slowly kill your grains) Scoop water kefir grains into jar and tighten with lid.
4) Let jar sit for 2 full days (48 hours) You may agitate jar after 24 hours to allow any remaining sugar to be dispersed for grains to consume if desired. Not necessary to shake contents at all however unlike milk kefir.
Note: After 2 days inside the jar, the water kefir should appear lighter in color and should have carbon dioxide bubbles now floating on the surface. The water kefir grains may also be floating on the surface if the water and sugar used was of good quality. This means that the grains grew so fast that they encapsulated carbon dioxide inside of them. After 2 days of fermentation it is time to move on to step number 2.
Days 4 - 6 And After...
1) Once the grains have fermented in 4 cups of sugar water for 2 days, it's finally time to strain them. Please use a fine mesh strainer to catch as many of the grain as possible. Start by placing a large bowl under the strainer. Take the water kefir and shake the contents thoroughly to help mix it up. Dump the contents into the strainer until only the grains remain.
2) There should be plenty of grains now remaining on the strainer to use in the next batch. If your water and mineral quality was good the grains may have doubled by now. If your strainer was too large and grains went through it, use a smaller strainer and repeat the process (Importance of the bowl).
3) If all of the grains remained in the strainer, give them a good rinse under cool water. Clean jar in sink with hot water (Soap not needed!) Discard firth batch of water kefir but save ALL grains.
4) Make batch 2. If your grains have doubled, please apply the following recommended amounts of (Grains:Sugar:Water)
Grains - 1/4-1/2 cup
Sugar - 1/4 cup
Water - 4 cups
Grains - 1/2-1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Water - 7-8 cups
I personally use a mason jar with about 7 cups of water, 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup of grains for each batch. This works out great and I consume the extra grains made every 2 days in a shake.
5) If the original batch grew enough in the first 2 days to completely ferment the initial 4 cups of sugar water with effervescence, the second batch should be fine to consume after secondary fermentation.
6) After the second batch has sat for 48 hours, strain the contents like before. This time, place the strained kefir into a new glass jar (Air lock is best to refine the taste and texture), or tighten a lid and allow to sit for another 48 hours. This batch should include the addition of sugary juices or dried fruits to give extra sugar for secondary fermentation.
7) You should now have 2 jars in production. The first jar containing the grains and fresh sugar water every 2 days. And the second jar containing the strained kefir which sits ferments under airlock with addition of extra sugar, juice or fruit for 2 more days.
8) Every 2 days, consume the secondary fermentation kefir (From the airlock jar) and add new sugar water to the first batch (With the grains). That's it! Once you have done it once or twice it will be so simple you wont even have to think about it.
1) Take it slow...Water kefir is alkinalizing, so try not to mix it with foods that require a highly acidic environment to digest them. Listen to your body and consult your physical before consuming to make sure you are healthy enough. Although I have not been able to find any negative effects from drinking water kefir, moderation is also a good practice with anything.
2) Start consuming only 1 cup 4-5 days a week. When you consume kefir for the first time, you may experience some cramping as it works its was through your body. This is powerful stuff and should be taken before bed or first thing in the morning for best results starting out. Every 2 days, you may have new water kefir grains (Extras) which are very good to make into a shake. I like to use a banana, water and whey protein to consume them. Possible temporary lack of bowel movements for the next 18-24 hours if consuming large amount of the grains before bed. I have personally noticed this with the grains themselves but very thorough digestion has always taken place even with food I am normally sensitive to.
3) I tend to rinse my jars out every batch of kefir I make (Less so for milk kefir (Only once a week) but every new batch (2 days) for water kefir. I also give my grains a quick rinse with fresh water before starting a new batch. This helps to eliminate any strong yeasty smells and tastes when consuming the extra grains.
4) If you want to try a kefir infusion (Adding something the the batch to increase is vitamin / mineral content through the process of microbial fermentation...NEVER add these items to the batch containing the live kefir grains themselves! Only ever use sugar water with them. The secondary (Strained) kefir is where you add things like crystallized, sliced fruit, juice and the like for the second 48 hours or more.
Good Luck and have fun with the stuff!
Don't fret about messing it up, this stuff is incredibly tough as long as you have good water and don't use honey or other things WITH the kefir grains, keep it simple...
Experiment and try to stick to a fairly consistent usage, again I find 4-5 days a week to be perfect. More on occasion. This allows you to consume a longer fermented beverage a few days a week.
Email me if you have any questions!